Behavior-Based Interviews not only predict which applicants in the general workforce will turn over, but it also indicates that this research can be successfully applied to assist those in the transportation industry to help them achieve their own organizational goals. Additionally, providing training and development opportunities and creating a supportive work environment have also been shown to reduce turnover rates.
Don’t wait until you are faced with 100% turnover to do something about your turnover problem.
It’s easy during tough economic times to forget about turnover and retention because the turnover rates in most industries decrease as employees focus on job security.
However, this is an ideal time to examine your turnover and retention rates and develop goals and strategies for dealing with your current situation as well as creating strategies for the future.
It’s especially important to act now because quite often the “seeds” or initial causes of turnover are more likely to be happening now because of the frustration related to budget cutting, hiring freezes, layoffs, and lack of development funds and opportunities.6
According to a recent survey, only 45% of Americans are satisfied with their current job20. This dissatisfaction with current employment could lead to a burst of turnover in a relatively short period when job openings at other organizations do