Introduction: This article was written by Daniel Nasaw form BBC news magazine. The main purpose of this article is to inform and persuade the motoring community to buy into the idea of cars that drive them self’s.
Main ideas : The main idea of this self driving car is basically to reduce road traffic accidents from a number of different factors e.g. drink driving, speeding and using technology such as mobile phones ect whilst driving. Daniel stated in the article that “ your automated car isnt sitting around getting distracted, making a phone call, looing at somthing it shouldnt be looking at or simply not keeping track of things,” googles car adheres strictly to the speed limit and follows the rules of the road. If you could truly trust the intelligence of the vehicle, then you could get in and do your work while you travel, says Lynee Irwin, an engineer and director of the local roads program at cornell University, and then is quoted saying “That would stretch my day, it would make me more productive.” Daniel continues to say traffic usally slows when the volume of cars on the road increases because drivers slow to accomadate the narrowed distance from the car aheadof them. “you could get a lot more people moved at higher speed on an existing road way,” he says “congestion would be somthing you could tell your grandchildern about, once upon at time.” He then goes on to say it would benifit non mobile people e.g dislabled, “They can see the personal automobile as a service provider.” He then goes on to talk about using the car a a personal carridge vehicle to do the “school run,” and for “long distance driving.” Also googles car is a modified version of toyotas prius, but they say “When you get to a technichal change, the first thing we do is mimic what people are familiar with and comfortable with.” “People like to look out the window so i suspect we’ll keep windows in some shape, but maybe they dont need to be quite the way they are now. If cars arent going to hit each other, maybe we dont need bumpers.” Evaluation: To start off the writer of this article has picked his words so that it’s all the good points of this idea but has failed to point out the negatives! Yes there is some good ideas to the self driving car for safe driving, yes it eliminates driver error, road rage and many more but in my opinion taking the drivers control away we are now going to be solely relying on computer based technology which in my mind has more potential to go wrong! These cars are going to have a lot of sensors and wires and if any of these fail from both ware and tear or from weather like rain dampness there can possibly be fatal consequences, also.” Another statement from this article is the “No more school run” yes the way this is put across is very appealing but as a parent myself I would worry about my child walking to school them self’s never mind putting them in a car on their own. Yes they MAY make our roads safer but there is always going to be accidents on our roads because there is no possible way to take away human error or computer error! I’m my mind to make roads safer we need to as drivers sort this out we cannot rely on computers but most of all we would lose out on the fun and enjoyment that comes from sitting in your pride and joy and driving until your heart’s content!
In my opinion this article did not persuade me to go for the idea of a driverless car, the writer was very biast and did not put across both good and bad points so i would not recomend reading this article if you were intrested in the idea.
Written by Chris Wallace
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