We see so many tragedies on the news and in newspapers every day. Many of these tragedies happen from car accidents. So many horrible things can happen. Most car accidents occur from the very bad habits of drivers everywhere. One of the most common habits is speeding. People everywhere abuse the speed limits. This is not only dangerous for the driver but the passenger and other drivers as well. Another bad habit is distracted driving. This can go as far as texting while driving or playing with the radio, etc. I see people everyday get into car accidents because they were paying more attention to their phones or their passengers. Another thing I see everyday is a reckless driver. I have witnessed people trying to race other drivers. This is…
I agree that driving while using a handheld cellphone is bad because it can lead to a car crash, the driver isn't focused on the road, and not paying attention to other drivers and not all hands are on the wheel. One reason why I believe that driving with a cellphone should be illegal because it can lead to a serious car crash in some cases. The driver may not be focused on the road and they hit a car dead on. Another reason why I agree with driving with a cellphone is illegal because the driver may not be focused on driving. They most likely be focused on talking to someone on the phone, Face time , Facebook, Snap chat , Twitter. Some people will forget that they are driving if they are really into there phone. The last…
driving is a choice people are making that is either harming themselves or others around them,…
Although most of the road rage scenarios given could have been avoided, there are precautions that could be taken in order to avoid them all together. It’s a simple solution, but often times, especially in the heat of the moment, can be hard to overcome. As a driver at the receding end of road rage, one must face the ability to remain calm. That would entail, no cutting each other off like a game of cat and mouse as the young driver did. Or even arguing/ screaming out like mothers tend to with their small children present. While certainly the need for avoiding gestures, that would tell the other person to bleep off, like Delanie did. All of the factors could potentially stop a bad situation from going to…
Driving my son to school every day can become a hassle. There are so many dangerous oppositions we face when on the road. My son’s school is about 10 minutes from my house, but I cannot always assume I will make it there safely. Many drivers today are developing very dangerous driving habits. Speeding, eating, texting, and drinking while driving are some of the unsafe habits I have witnessed while in my…
In today’s world people are doing everything under the sun when it comes to driving. Things are different now than it was ten years go. Young people are most likely to get distracted than older people while driving. Driving down high way I see people either texting, eating, or playing.…
Impaired and aggressive driving can both very often lead to incidents on the road. If you do either of them, you can risk your life and the life of others. If people drive responsibly they will reduce the chances of conflicts on the road and help make our roads safer.…
Every day that people drive and do not get in an accident, think of how many other people do. Each day there are over a 1,000 people who are getting hurt by distracted while driving and 9 people die while trying to attempt it or just doing it (Halsey). Now that this century has more technology than ever before, some of these appliances are in our vehicles. People can now get distracted while texting, talking, trying to mess with the radio, trying to make a navigator work,and simply putting a disc in a player . With all of these distractions around us while driving, there is more of a chance to attempt this. Distracted driving is dangerous, so think about how a person can hurt themselves or even get killed by doing this. Every year there are…
Driving is supposed to be an experience that is enjoyable and safe. It’s not supposed to be one where the operator of the car is doing everything in the car but paying attention to the road.…
Texting and driving is a distraction no one can afford. Lives can be changed forever due to texting instead of paying attention to the road. Sometimes people are injured and their lives are changed forever. People don't always die from distracted driving. The mental and emotional scars can be worse. Occasionally there are those who had to drop out of school or can’t find a job, due to injuries or every day pain. People need to realize paying attention to the road is more important than texting anyone for any reason. So how can we solve this problem? Does it need solved? There is only one way to look at this issue. Distractions, such as texting and driving, can be eliminated in Iowa by promoting safe driving habits, programming restrictions…
I researched additional statistics on my subject and the results I found were shocking. “In 2014, 3,179 people were killed, and 431,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.” This number way bigger than it should be, over 3k people lost their life, and 400k were injured, many who probably ended up paralyzed. Add to the fact that the lives of each and every one of the victim’s family and peers is now changed forever. The number of people affected in some way by the actions of a reckless human being sky…
On social media you see videos of people in cars driving while jamming out to music, recording themselves, and being reckless. These people are a danger to themselves and to others around them. It only takes one second of looking away from the road to cause an accident. People who are reckless and turn around or let go of the wheel while driving should not be…
I have been noticing each and every day that there are more and more distracted drivers on the road. These drivers may be distracted by their radio, an in depth conversation with a passenger, children laughing or screaming in the backseat or even reading or sending text messages while driving. All of which can be potentially dangerous to the operator, their passengers, an unsuspecting pedestrian or other vehicle operators on the road. As a potential victim to an accident caused by distracted drivers, I am very concerned as we all should be. So the question I ask now is how can an operator safely drive while distracted? Is the convenience and time saved worth the dangers or deaths that can be caused to yourself or others? In order to safely operate a vehicle it requires a great deal of concentration, coordination, and quick reflexes to avoid potential accidents.…
“Distracted drivers?” The thoughts of what appear in my mind when I hear the words “distracted drivers” is not of a good thought but that of a horrible situation to be in. Many drivers in today’s society have caused many road accidents due to their incapability of watching the road before them because they are distracted. There are many different reasons why drivers could be distracted, for example: cellphones, other accompanied people in the vehicle, intoxicated driving, or simply being distracted by outside objects.…
No matter the age a person may be, his/her actions affect others; especially when they’re operating a vehicle capable of injuring or taking one’s life. Distracted driving poses great risks to the driver’s life and others on the road as it increases the probability of a tragic accident. Numerous lives are being lost each day due to distracted driving and not abiding by the laws. In today’s society, ignored warnings increase the possibility of death; influenced by both alcohol and drugs in addition to technology.…