Which is why, research into drones should increase and more people should be able to buy them to be able to test out their strengths and weaknesses. Once drones are approved to be able to be bought in the public markets, lifestyle will change for most people because of the benefits of having a drone. Also, having more reliable drones means that the government or distributing companies are able to be a ton more productive and be able to dish out more things faster. The public need drones because of their reliability and their durability, so that we may lead to a more stressless future.
On the other hand the argument can be made that drones are invading the privacies of people and are a nuisance that will lead to a more robotic sky than a natural one. These are true and are concerns for the future, drones have a number of more benefits than cons. Drones provide a more stress free life and will lead to a more productive society because of their ability to be mobile and compact. Drones are the way of the future and will be seen more in the news and in more controversial debates but they are the best way to go heading into the future so they should be allowed to