Over thirty percent of high school students drop out of high school. Dropping out of high school can lead to a poor career. Having a poor career can lead to poor pay and bad situations. About sixty-five percent of careers require a high school education. Not having a education and poor pay can cause stress. Students are dropping out of high school due to poor home life situations such as poor parenting, drugs, and poverty.
If parents are living in a stressful home and have to deal with things such as their jobs and poor pay, their kids are most likely their last priority. So they do not have time to help their children and motivate them. Their children will lose hope and just give up on life. If there is a single parent in life with more than one kid, the older sibling will have to take place of their parent. The one parent has to worry about support for their children. This can cause a lot of stress. Stress can be caused by crammed schedules related to school, family, and social life, peer pressure to experiment with alcohol, drugs, or sex, dating and friendship, family and peer conflicts, school pressure and academic/ career decisions, concern with physical appearance and body weight, pressure to follow fashion styles, after school or summer jobs, dealing with physical and emotional effects of puberty, being bullied or exposed to violence or sexual harassment (Cozic 48). All of this is going on at school and home. Some people cannot handle all of this stress so they just drop out of high school. Teens and even parents might turn to use of drugs to relieve stress.
When parents use drugs they are often emotionally distant from their children and sometimes physically violent (Washburne 51). These parents often abandon their responsibility to help their children grow because they are so wrapped up in their own needs(Washburne 51). Many adults drug abusers end up losing their jobs and families because they care more about getting