Drosophila Melanogaster is one of the best organisms to study when researching genetics; in particular sex linked genes on the X chromosome. The principle reason for this study was to determine what genes were transferred to the males from the females, as the males only inherit one X chromosome.
Two experiments were conducted in which female and male flies were crossed. The first experiment was a cross between 5-trait females and wildtype males; the second experiment was a cross between wildtype females and 5-trait males. The initial results of these experiments showed that the males of the first experimental cross all expressed the phenotypes for the recessive genes and the females all expressed the wildtype traits. In the second experimental cross both the male and female flies expressed the wildtype traits and there were …show more content…
It also has many characteristics which make it an ideal organism for the study of human genetic diseases and conditions. Because Drosophila shares 75% of the genes that cause disease in humans, it is a good organism to study as it helps scientists get a better understanding on human diseases. “It is not only the flies themselves that the scientists are interested in, but also understanding the basic biology that all organisms have in common.” (Unc.edu, 2011)
It is a good model organism because it has a short life cycle, a low number of chromosomes; unlike humans, who have 23 pairs of chromosomes, Drosophila has only four chromosomes; and is easy to culture as well as keep maintained. The life cycle of Drosophila lasts approximately 12 days at room temperature. Because the flies themselves are quite small, many can be produced at once which is good for comparisons. Approximately 60% of genes associated with human cancers and other genetic diseases are found in the Drosophila genome. (Modencode.sciencemag.org,