Butch Brown
Mary Martin 04/21/2013
Addictions/Drugs Freedom, family, and financial security are a value to the people in the United States. Some behaviors are frowned upon, such as crime, laziness, and the use of illegal drugs. Drug abuse and addiction is not all about how much is consumed but has to do with consequences. Illegal drugs and abusers are a plague to society because of the harmful effects on the user, their families and people they associate with. Because drug addicts are always looking for a way to get their fixes and support their habit this increases crime in our country. Drug abusers have no control over themselves when they are high, and will rob, or mug someone, and sometimes may even resort to murder to get their drug of choice. Volkow, Nora D. (2010) For those who suffer from drug addiction they may find themselves with several different medical problems including but not limited to strokes, mental disorder, and cancer. Cocaine use is probably the worst as far as causing death in that after taking it, the body try’s to slow down and this takes the pleasure feelings away, then the user decides that there is a need for the pleasure so they take another hit, causing an overdose and more than likely death. “Mental health problems and substance abuse are often seen together because the two are vulnerable to each other," says Alan Manevitz, MD, a psychiatrist with New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Cornell University campus, in New York. In the United States there are about 1 in 5 adults that have a mental disorder. When a person has an underlying problem then takes a drug, this increases the chance for the problem to come out. A person that is depressed may try to take away that depression by trying to medicate themselves with the drug of their choice, says David
References: Bouchez, Colette http://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/features/bipolar and substance-abuse Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th edition; 11/1/2011, p1-4,4p Document type: Reference Entry Publication Information: Columbia University Press http://www.drugabuse.net/drug-addiction/long-term-drug-addiction-effects/ February 17, 2009 Little, M.A. (June, 2010) http://www.livestrong.com/article/151220-family-violence-substance- abuse/#9xzz20fX7uMKza Rodriguez, Diana (2012) www.everdayhealth.com/anxiety-and-substance-abuse.aspx Medically reviewed by Bass III,Pat F.,M.D. MPH Rothman, Jean http://www.everdayhealth.com/addiction/whenalcoholism-or-drug-abuse-hits-your-family.aspx Rupp, Joseph C. http://deep6inc.com/index.html http://blogs.psychcentral.com/addiction-recovery/2012/02/are-recovering-addicts-happier Sack, David M.D.(2013). 5 Signs Your Recovery Is in Jeopardy. Psych Central. Retrieved on April 14, 2013, from http://blogs.psychcentral.com/addiction-recovery/2013/03/5-signs-your-recovery-is-in-jeopardy/ Volkow, Nora D. (August, 2010) http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/science addiction/addiction health update