Drug abuse can be defined as using a drug excessively, or for purposes for which it was not medically intended. The use of drugs starting at a young age may lead to drug abuse in the future, which is common all around the world. There are multiple ways groups that seek to help drug prevention such as D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) and other members of the community can help to stop drug abuse. Depression, nausea, anxiety, seizures, memory loss, and even death are serious consequences that occur from drugs being abused (Drug Abuse and Dependence 2). That is why all these organizations around the world are doing their best to prevent these situations from happening. “D.A.R.E. is one of the biggest drug prevention program and they help children to not be influenced by others and start the abuse of drugs” (Is the D.A.R.E. Program Good for Americas Kids? 1). Another group called NSDUH, which stands for National Survey on Drug Use and Health, tries to “send messages through the internet, magazines, media, and schools” (Exposure to Substance Use Prevention Messages and Substance Use among Adolescents: 2002 to 2007 1). Unfortunately though, “these programs have a very little chance of drug prevention” (Is the D.A.R.E. Program Good for Americas Kids? 2). Evidence from over thirty studies have shown no significance in D.A.R.E. graduates compared to those not in the program. D.A.R.E. also does not include life-like situations to prepare kids for complex decisions in the future. Many students stated that the messages D.A.R.E. provide are repeated so often it becomes tedious and ineffective. Only 2.5% of students that had drug prevention education were less likely to use drugs than those who didn’t. D.A.R.E. had stopped receiving federal funding in 1998 because they were unable to reach the requirements in order to receive federal grant money (Is the D.A.R.E. Program Good for Americas Kids?). So, what can lead up to drug abuse? One major reason
Drug abuse can be defined as using a drug excessively, or for purposes for which it was not medically intended. The use of drugs starting at a young age may lead to drug abuse in the future, which is common all around the world. There are multiple ways groups that seek to help drug prevention such as D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) and other members of the community can help to stop drug abuse. Depression, nausea, anxiety, seizures, memory loss, and even death are serious consequences that occur from drugs being abused (Drug Abuse and Dependence 2). That is why all these organizations around the world are doing their best to prevent these situations from happening. “D.A.R.E. is one of the biggest drug prevention program and they help children to not be influenced by others and start the abuse of drugs” (Is the D.A.R.E. Program Good for Americas Kids? 1). Another group called NSDUH, which stands for National Survey on Drug Use and Health, tries to “send messages through the internet, magazines, media, and schools” (Exposure to Substance Use Prevention Messages and Substance Use among Adolescents: 2002 to 2007 1). Unfortunately though, “these programs have a very little chance of drug prevention” (Is the D.A.R.E. Program Good for Americas Kids? 2). Evidence from over thirty studies have shown no significance in D.A.R.E. graduates compared to those not in the program. D.A.R.E. also does not include life-like situations to prepare kids for complex decisions in the future. Many students stated that the messages D.A.R.E. provide are repeated so often it becomes tedious and ineffective. Only 2.5% of students that had drug prevention education were less likely to use drugs than those who didn’t. D.A.R.E. had stopped receiving federal funding in 1998 because they were unable to reach the requirements in order to receive federal grant money (Is the D.A.R.E. Program Good for Americas Kids?). So, what can lead up to drug abuse? One major reason