It is sad thing to see our learning environment; the place where we come to play sports, meet people, have a good time, learn many interesting things as a place where drugs are also associated. Furthermore, it is depressing to observe an intelligent kid become a person who just doesn’t care about school due to the substance that made them not. The fact that they started ads more to the big idea that it needs to end.…
First of all, teens who drink alcohol have a higher chance of academic failure, and they will have negative effect on their academic performance. For examples, China is a country which has no age limit to drink. Even if you are a baby, you still can buy and drink alcohol without checking ID. When I was in middle school, some of my classmates drunk at school, even during the class time. Of course, they could not focus on their studies. Moreover, they not only failed in the tests all the time but also affect other students negatively. Also, more and more students followed them to drink, and they always smoked and…
I think that the principal should change the rule, no drinks in class. I think that because what if people really need a drink because they just got out of gym and they are about to pass out? You can’t send them to the hallway to get a drink when they are on the verge of passing out. Well I am gonna tell you why you should let students drink water while they are in class.…
Adolescents who experiment with drugs normally do not have the facts of each drug and will normally start out with less harsh ones which eventually lead to the hardcore drugs as well as possibly alcohol. Adolescents who do not completely understand the consequences of these drugs are not fully aware of how these drugs can harm their bodies or how addictive they can turn out to be as well as some of the shameful things they may do in order to support their habit; they sure are not going to understand why these drugs are unsafe. Without understanding the dangers more adolescents to cave under peer-pressure. I believe adolescent drug abuse itself is a problem. Of course not everyone agrees on the solutions proposed. Certain individuals think more sports should be provided to offer structure to our adolescents away from home whereas others think parents need to become further educated to be prepared to teach their own children.…
After all, most high school students are underage. This means that their parents are still their guardians, and therefore should be able to protect their child from whatever they see fit. However, many students often show more maturity than adults expect of them. The average high school student gets his or her driver's’ license at some point during his or her sophomore year. The ability to drive is an immense, and dangerous, responsibility, as countless potentially fatal mistakes can be made while driving, yet teenagers are trusted with this responsibility. Therefore, if students are trusted with driving, then they should be trusted to be able to choose what to…
What is the most important issue in this case? The most important issue to me is that the factor leading school children to take drugs. As everyone knows drugs are bad so that is the main issue. Speech advocating illegal drug use poses a threat to student safety that is just as serious, if not always as immediately obvious. As we have recognized in the past and as the opinion of the Court today details, illegal drug use presents a grave and in many ways unique threat to the physical safety of students. I therefore conclude that the…
In the essay “America’s Unjust Drug War” by Michael Huemer, Huemer discusses the facts and opinions around the subject on whether or not the recreational use of drugs should be banned by law. Huemer believes that the American government should not prohibit the use of drugs. He brings up the point on drugs and how they harm the users and the people in the user’s life; he proves that the prohibition on drugs in unjust. Huemer believes that drug prohibition is an injustice to Americans’ natural rights and questions why people can persucute those who do drugs.…
In the article “_Legal drinking ages throughout the world. Should the US lower the age to 18”_, the author asks should America lower its drinking age to 18. I believe the law should not be changed because there will be an increase of school age kids abusing alcohol. 18 year olds’ are typically still high school students, it is still appropriate for them to hang around other high school students. If they were allowed to legally purchase and consume alcohol, they will also buy or give it to their high school peers. People 14-18 year of age have a higher risk of abusing alcohol because they are new to drinking and do not know how much it too much so many will binge drink. Also around this age their bodies are changing many feel insecure; from the popular kids being worshipped to the others being teased, insecurity can lead to addiction to alcohol.…
There is no evidence that prohibition decreases drug use, and there are several theories that suggest prohibition migth actually increase drug use (i.e. the “forbidden fruit” effect, and easier accesibility for youth). One unintended effect of marijuana prohibition is that marijuana is very popular in El Paso HS. Why? Because it is available. You dont have to be 21 to buy marijuana, marijuana dealers ussualy dont care how old are you as long as you have money. It is actually easier for many high school students to obtain marijuana than it is for them to obtain alcohol, because alcohol is legal and therefore regulated to keep it away from kids. If our goal is to reduce drug consumption, then we should focus on open and honest programs to educate youth, reguations to keep drugas away from kids, and tratment programs for people with drug problems. But the current prohibition scheme does not allow such reasonable approaches to marijuana; instead we are stuck with “DARE”…
For countless years, students have been drug tested, while teachers remain un-involved. Although teachers can request at any time that a student get drug tested, students are unable to request for teachers to be tested. People may believe that a teacher should not be tested, but they have just as much access, if not more, to drugs as students do. Therefore; drug testing should be required for teachers. Besides the biological parents, teachers have a powerful influence over students. If a person is going to have a career that molds the teens in our society, regardless of whatever opinion the teacher may have about marijuana or heroin, he or she should ensue the rules that have been provided by our government.…
The Supreme Court recently ruled that random drug testing is constitutional for students who participate in sports or any extracurricular activities. I do not think the Supreme Court should make random drug tests constitutional. Making students take drug tests is just another way for the Supreme Court to dig their claws in peoples’ everyday lives. When you take a drug test you are submitting yourself to be judged. If you refuse, people will assume you are doing drugs, if you take it, you are trying to prove your innocence. The law is assuming everyone is guilty of using drugs, by having random drug tests. I believe you should not punish the innocent with the guilty.…
The argument is that with the legalization of marijuana, kids will have ready access to the plant and will get involved in other illicit activities due to their consumption. The notion that the legalization of marijuana will increase problems for Americans as a whole is definitely controversial.…
Drug use in school athletics has become a substantial problem in today’s society. With the rising pressure to succeed and the high level intensity in athletics, it does not come to a surprise that so many student–athletes are giving in to drugs. Many schools that are faced with drug use are turning to mandatory drug tests for student-athletes; however mandatory drug tests are a violation of the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment and drug testing reverses the legal principle of innocent until proven guilty. In order to protect the rights of the American people, drug testing student-athletes without suspicion and without sufficient evidence should not be introduced into school athletics due to the fact that it violates the Fourth Amendment and the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution.…
For many years, the United States has been involved in many wars, costing millions of dollars and the death of many people. One of the longest wars that the US is still facing is drug abuse in the work place, and a widespread strategy to combat this issue is mandatory drug testing. In September 15, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed execute order 12564, his goal was to establish a drug-free workplace. This order required all federal workers to abstain from drugs and submit to a voluntary drug test. Drug Abuse has a negative effect on the work place; therefore Drug testing should be mandatory in order to create a drug free and safe environment. This is a very…
Middle school students should not be drug tested because it invades students rights and there is little to no evidence to prove the program works. The student’s privacy is invaded when they are forced to be tested for drugs or alcohol with little notice and are unsupervised when doing so. There is not much evidence that shows these programs work as far as getting students to stop taking the drugs or alcohol(it’s rare that they even were taking them in the first place). Middle schools should not be testing students for drugs because it invades their privacy and these programs are not proven to be effective.…