Drug consumption in the U.S has fluctuated considerably for the last years and most Americans seem split about the legalization of marijuana. While proponent of the legalization advance how legalization will the cost of drugs for users and therefore will reduce the rate of crimes related to drug. Also, they believe that the legalization can be new sources of revenues for government because of the taxes that will be withdraw on its sale. Opponents of marijuana legalization claim that marijuana legalization will affect our criminal system because an increase of drug related crime in the U.S. According to them, the legalization will feed drug user addiction and increase marijuana user population
Drug consumption in the U.S has fluctuated considerably for the last years and most Americans seem split about the legalization of marijuana. While proponent of the legalization advance how legalization will the cost of drugs for users and therefore will reduce the rate of crimes related to drug. Also, they believe that the legalization can be new sources of revenues for government because of the taxes that will be withdraw on its sale. Opponents of marijuana legalization claim that marijuana legalization will affect our criminal system because an increase of drug related crime in the U.S. According to them, the legalization will feed drug user addiction and increase marijuana user population