Students being drug tested in college is going to prepare them for the jobs they are going for after. Linn State Technical College’s lawyer, Kent brown shares, “the college has been moving toward its mission, which is preparing students for profitable employment and a lifetime of learning. It will prepare the students for getting jobs in industries where drug testing is becoming …show more content…
It’s very hurtful to the body and could end someone’s life before they even think about what they are actually doing. Drug & Alcohol Recovery and Education Centre shares, that drugs give people some sort of escape, a way to have fun and forget problems, etc ( Doing this could be helpful in some situations, but it’s important to look at the effects of drugs and what they have on people. Gateway Foundation states, drugs weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, causing the liver having to work harder which can lead to liver failure ( There are many many more effects of these substances that can lead to worse things. These facts show how dangerous drugs can be and why it would be a good idea to do drug testing in college’s and also shows how this could help students live a healthier