Serotonin can increase self-esteem and confidence in a person. However, low serotonin levels correspond with depression and violent actions. High levels of serotonin can create a feeling of accomplishment in a person while low levels can create depression. Similar to dopamine, there are addictive, dangerous drugs that can alter the serotonin's levels in the brain. A drug that is capable of altering the serotonin levels is ecstasy. Serotonin is usually not released all at once; however, drugs like ecstasy cause serotonin to release all at once which creates strong feeling of accomplishment and an increase in self-esteem. Similar to methamphetamine and cocaine's effects on dopamine levels, anti-depressants help to keep serotonin in the synaptic gap for a longer period of time. However, anti-depressants can be legally prescribed by a doctor while some addictive drugs can be illegal. One of these anti-depressant is known as Serotonin-Specific Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Although these anti-depressants may be legally prescribed by a doctor, they can still be dangerous if they are consumed in large quantities. Both addictive drugs and drugs from a doctor can increase serotonin levels and can control the amount of serotonin in the brain, but both drugs can be harmful. This is because these drugs can cause a change in the brain chemistry of a person which causes the person to crave the drug. Once a person craves a drug, they
Serotonin can increase self-esteem and confidence in a person. However, low serotonin levels correspond with depression and violent actions. High levels of serotonin can create a feeling of accomplishment in a person while low levels can create depression. Similar to dopamine, there are addictive, dangerous drugs that can alter the serotonin's levels in the brain. A drug that is capable of altering the serotonin levels is ecstasy. Serotonin is usually not released all at once; however, drugs like ecstasy cause serotonin to release all at once which creates strong feeling of accomplishment and an increase in self-esteem. Similar to methamphetamine and cocaine's effects on dopamine levels, anti-depressants help to keep serotonin in the synaptic gap for a longer period of time. However, anti-depressants can be legally prescribed by a doctor while some addictive drugs can be illegal. One of these anti-depressant is known as Serotonin-Specific Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Although these anti-depressants may be legally prescribed by a doctor, they can still be dangerous if they are consumed in large quantities. Both addictive drugs and drugs from a doctor can increase serotonin levels and can control the amount of serotonin in the brain, but both drugs can be harmful. This is because these drugs can cause a change in the brain chemistry of a person which causes the person to crave the drug. Once a person craves a drug, they