Course Name : Composition & Communication Skills Course No : ENG 102 Section : 17
Prepared for : Shakil Sarforaz Rabbi Lecturer East West University
Prepared by : 1. Segupta Kabir Nodi ID No : 2010-3-10-216 2. Sharmin Khanam ID No : 2010-3-10-224 3. Rehnuma Rahman Anchol ID No : 2010-3-10-108 4. Ayesha Siddique Tuli ID No : 2010-3-10-151 5. Tanzil Ahmmed Sarker ID No : 2010-3-10-220
Date of Submission : 20 July 2011
Department of Business Administration
Letter of Transmittal
43, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh
20 July 2011
Course Title : Composition & Communication Skills
Instructor : Shakil Sarforaz Rabbi
Course No : ENG102
Subject : Submission of an assignment on Drug Abuse in Bangladesh
Dear Sir,
We are submitting to you the assignment, due on 20 July 2011, that you requested. The assignment is entitled ‘An Assignment on Drug Abuse in Bangladesh’. The purpose of the assignment is to inform you of Drug Abuse, its harmful effects, treatment and prevention.
Sincerely, Signature:
1. Segupta Kabir Nodi 1. ID No : 2010-3-10-216
2. Sharmin Khanam 2. ID No : 2010-3-10-224 3. Rehnuma Rahman Anchol 3. ID No : 2010-3-10-108
4. Ayesha Siddique Tuli 4. ID No : 2010-3-10-151
5. Tanzil Ahmmed Sarker 5. ID No : 2010-3-10-220
Drug Abuse in Bangladesh
Drug Abuse: Illegal use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes. Such drugs include alcohol, tobacco and solvents and exclude medicinal, and non-psychoactive substances. The UN