Claim: Today’s college students, both of the age and under, have been abusing alcohol to the point of hospitalization and it needs to be stopped and put under enforcement. The author’s point of view is first person.…
Neuroenhancing drugs are slowly becoming more popular in college students’ lives today. This increased use may be because of lack of focus or academic performance enhancement. Margaret Talbot, author of “The Underground World of ‘Neuroenhancing’ Drugs”, dives deeper into this finding by interviewing a series of college students and top professors who take a stance their side of the case. Talbot believes that college campuses have become laboratories for neuroenhancing drugs. By starting off with concrete evidence from an actual college student who has an Adderall addiction, Talbot is able to get the insight as to what actually goes on and why it happens.…
Drinking leads to a widespread of consequences such as impairments in cognitive abilities, including decision making and impulse control, and motor skill impairments, such as balance and hand eye coordination. Lowering the MLDA increases the likelihood of being injured, experiencing falls that require medical treatment, causing injury in traffic accidents, being taken advantage of sexually, and injuring others in various ways (White, 2013). A portion of alcohol related harms that college students might experience are: injuries, physical assault, sexual assault, unsafe sex, health problems, suicide attempts, drunk driving, memory loss, property damage, police involvement, alcohol abuse, dependence and death. An estimated 599,000 students between…
Substance use continues to be a major public health concern, not only for communities across the nation, but also for higher education institutions and administrators. The harmful consequences associated with alcohol and other drug (AOD) use and the negative effects on students, families, campuses, and surrounding communities have been well documented in the substance use field.…
Although abuse of prescription drugs is illegal, universities across the nation are having a hard time controlling the issue on their campuses. In the article “Change Honor Codes to Include Abuse of Nonprescription Drugs,” David Alpert is firm in his belief that all universities should follow in the footsteps of Duke University and add a pledge against the abuse of prescription drugs to schools’ honor codes. On the other hand, in an essay titled “A Ban On Brain-Boosting Drugs Is Not The Answer,” Matt Lamkin argues it is not the study drugs that are the problem; it is the emphasis schools put on competition and credentials, which drives the students to…
Alcohol use among college students has reached a crisis point. Alcohol consumption leads to signifigant alcohol related problems such as binge drinking, alcoholism, drinking and driving,…
References: - Burgbacher, Katie, and Amanda Brewer “Study of Adderall Use Among College Students: A New and Upcoming Trend” University of Kentucky. RUNNING HEAD: Research Project (2006). Pp 1-19…
In recent years, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has become a very common disorder. As a result, people and doctors have raised the question, is this disorder being over diagnosed? If you were to ask people this question many would think the answer is yes. People think this is true because of the drug companies “aggressive marketing epidemic”. This epidemic involves drug companies trying to educate people, specifically doctors, parents, and teachers on how to spot symptoms of ADHD in children. Therefore, making people assume that doctors are over diagnosing to gain more profit off the drug companies stimulants. (Frances) Although this idea seems to be a pretty logical explanation, there is not enough evidence to pin point a direct correlation between the “aggressive marketing epidemic” and doctors’ profits contributing to over diagnoses. (Frances)…
Our American culture sets a big emphasis on education, high GPAs, and outstanding business performance in the professional environment. In order to excel, there is so much pressure and expectation that college students today are more vulnerable to experiment and get hooked on smart drugs like Adderall, Ritalin, and Modafilin. College students are not taking these drugs to get high but to increase their concentration, energy, and time for studying.…
With the vast majority of colleges growing we see more alcohol abusers and drug addicts. The percentages are only going up with the ways of the college athletes are binge drinking at parties, with males and females. The school administratiors must be informed of the potential health risks of prescription drug misuse. It is clear that non-medical prescription drug use should be included in substance use prevention and treatment programs offered to college students.…
Drinking occurs frequently within the college environment. It was reported that 87.3% of college students under the legal minimum drinking age had tried alcohol, when 50% reported heavily drinking in the past year (Clapp, 275). Heavy drinking can cause many consequences, from mild ones as hangovers to severe problems such as suicide attempts and death. Although mild problems like hangovers are most common, “the heavy use of alcohol among college students has been estimated to result in approximately 1,400 deaths and another 500,000 alcohol-related traumas each year”(Clapp, 275). Research done by Miron and Tetelbaum, shows that the minimum legal drinking age has only a minor effect on teen drinking. College students under the age of 21 are drinking in uncontrolled environments, they are left to learn for themselves how to drink at a moderate and safe rate. This learning process cannot be approached in these unsupervised environments, where young adults play drinking games and form ruinous drinking habits. The environment witch you are drinking in can relate to how and how much alcohol you…
High school seniors have reported that 23% have used marijuana and 16% have smoked cigarettes.When teens are in high school it is important to stay focused and get good grades, teens who use drugs and alcohol have declining grades, miss more school, and are more likely to drop out of school. If teens end up using substances it could affect their academic ability. Teens are using drugs and other substances more often now, causing bad grades, family and health issues and many other problems. If parents and schools could try harder to keep teens safe from drugs they could help decrease the amount of teens who use illicit substances. Schools could make sure that teens aren’t doing bad things during school hours. Parents could watch their teens…
There is an increasing problem with college students abusing stimulant medications such as ADHD medications. In my paper I observed the problem college schools are having with substance abuse, potential reasons why this is happening and how we can put an end to it. I used research conducted my others to support my findings and arguments and to help better understand the problem this is.…
A fad that teens tend to pick up especially in high school is drugs and alcohol. Teens sometimes feel that there is so much pressure to succeed and have a perfect GPA that some turn to drugs and alcohol to help relieve some of the weight. As teens drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol seem to be an easy way to relieve pressure.…
Research has shown that compared with the adult brain, the adolescent brain is very sensitive to some effects of alcohol. Teenage brains are like a sponge, and are designed for maximum learning capacity. Alcohol interferes with the brain, it causes difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, and impaired memory. Those are only the external impairments. Internally, it can lead to lifelong damage in brain function, particularly as it relates to memory, moving skills and coordination. Not only can alcohol hurt adolescents physically, but psychologically as well. An article from Psychology Today states, "The CDC study confirms that teens aren't sipping alcohol --- no, they’re gulping it. This study brings light to the fact that high school students tend to binge drink whenever they consume alcohol. About ninety percent of the alcohol consumed by high school students is consumed through…