Paracetamol, Marijuana, Aspirin, Cocaine, Heroin... all these fancy words, what are they all, Yes they are drugs all different types of drugs. All of which have a different affect on our body, OK some more then others but they all do the same, change the way the body reacts. Before i continue let me introduce my self. My name is Muhammad Mulla and i would like to thank all of you for coming today to educate yourself towards drugs and there effect.
Let me start of by telling you about drugs in general, drugs are chemical substances which have an effect on your body. There are 2 types of drugs Illegal and legal, legal drugs are ones such as paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen and many many many more.... But today i’m not here to talk about legal drugs because i think all of you know and understand how a legal drug works, you get ill you take a drug to treat the illness and it cures the illness and makes you feel all better. Am i right..... good good well at least were all on the same track. Now lets start to introduce Illegal drugs, I’m sure most of you are familiar with these types of drugs Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin, Ecstasy i’m sure if i was to name all the illegal drugs in this world of ours i would have pages and pages of them. But these here are the most common the ones that are used most around the world. These drugs here are what we call recreational drugs, ones used to give pleasure to the user.
Recreational drugs are very bad for the human body although people still take them. The effect of these drugs a not just harmful to the body but also could lead to a severe death. It was only a couple of days ago when i herd this professor on the news saying that cocaine was less harmful than tobacco i was like what!!! has this guy gone mad, his name was Professor Nutt, i can see why they called him that. Don’t take any note of what this professor said because ill tell you the best thing is to stay away from harmful illegal drugs completely.