1. What specific skills do you posses that qualify you as a drum major.
What qualifies me as a drum major is the experience that I have within this band program. Being a section leader for the past two years has given me a much better understanding of show and music, along with advanced understanding of marching technique and fundamentals.
2. Describe your level of musicianship and instrumental pedagogy skills.
From the start of my music career at Cryar, I've always been the top Tuba player. Even throughout Junior High-school and Even so far in High-school, I've been in Wind Ensemble. Being in the Wind Ensemble shows my musical ability, along with my musical understanding. Being in the Wind Ensemble gives me a opportunity to study and prepare more difficult music that I would find being in any other band.
3. Describe your level of marching fundamentals competency.
My level of marching, I would say, is one of the more advanced in the band; I'm basing this statement on the fact that I've already had three years of marching experience, but not just marching experience, I've also had two years of teaching marching to underclassmen. With this experience I believe puts me ahead of other students in the band, because I was the only Sophomore section leader.
4. Describe your level of drill design (and execution of) understanding.
My level of drill design and understanding is advanced compared to others in the band. Since Sophomore year I've been presented with the drill charts, that normal students would only see outside of rehearsal. So I have a fairly good understanding how to dress forms and how to fix forms that might not be working as well as it should be.
5. List and describe the points of attention
a. Feet
The heels of the marchers feel should be touching, and their toes separated so that the gap at the intersection of the heels at a 45 degree angle. Along with the position of the feet, the weight of the marcher should be