1. William Faulkner brings this game to life to many people that have only seen it on television by using metaphors which relate it to other ideas that people may be more likely to have knowledge about which could help them envision it and feel as if the reader is actually there. An example of how he uses metaphors is how he compares the motion and speed of the game to “the frantic darting of the weightless bugs which run of the surface of stagnant pools” and then to “a kind of kaleidoscopic whirl like a child’s toy”. (620)
2. Faulkner’s use of figurative language such as similes and metaphors makes the game seem as if it is more then a game. The way he relates the game to “a hard working troupe of dancers” and “the glittering fatal alien quality of snakes” gives a new light to hockey which shows in as more of an art then a sport. (620)
3. Faulkner wanted to make himself relatable to everyone else, so anyone could be in the same situation. By using the word “he” it makes it as if anyone could be the “he” in the article.
4. Faulkner predicts that all sports will be moved inside and made to be more comfortable for the player and the spectator. His prediction has come true in same way like how most sports can be played indoors now, such as tennis, soccer, basketball, and that a lot of people are more willing to play a sport if it can be played indoors. No one wants to deal with the weather and so they would rather play indoors in the air conditioning.
5. Faulkner’s bias is that he believes sports should be played because you love it. They should be played for fun which he explains when he says “by definition sport is something you do yourself, in solitude or not, because it is fun”. He also believes that sports should be played outdoors where they always have been played, and that playing sports indoors ruins the point of the sport.
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