Given the size of Motors and More, indicate which jobs you would combine to reduce the number of employees in HR. Provide new job titles and organization chart for Motors and More HR department. Given this change, indicate the total number of staff for each HR area.
Indicate what HR practices are required to support a prospector strategy.
Ruth Zaake
January 2012
Organization design is the process of bringing the people within an organization together with the technology and information as closely as possible to be able to achieve the goals of the organization. Through the design process, organizations create strategies that will be the focus of all employees to be able to bring about the desired outcomes. An organization must define the goals and objectives of the organization and link the staffing needs to the strategic goals.
Organizations have to make decisions regarding what organizational design to follow while designing the HR department in order to be effective and to remain competitive. The HR department will depend a lot on how the business is organized, and the HR department structure should match the business structure. According to Zinni, Mathis and Jackson, 2011, p.45, there should be a close relationship between the organizational strategy and HR strategy for an organization to build a successful HR department. In order to be competitive, an organization has to choose a set of activities to deliver a unique set of goods or services to its customer.
Many of the organizations usually follow one of the following organizational design models and therefore, most HR departments will also be organized according to one of these models;
(a) Centralized HR
References: Roy H. Autry, (1996), A process for improving the probability that an organization will be successful. Edward E. Lawler, III; (2003) Center for Effective Organizations, University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business; Los Angeles, CA, David A. de Cenzo, stepehn p. Robbins and Susan L. Verhulst (10th ed.) (2010) Wendell L. French, (2006) Human Resources Management. Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin, Robert L. Cardy, (2001) Managing Human Resources. Torben Andersen, Bo Eriksen, Jeanette Lemmergaard, Line Povlsen (1997) “is strategic Human resources strategic?” The fit between strategy and strategic human resource management, University of Southern Denmark , Oden, Department of Marketing and Management. Human Resource and Skills Development Canada, National Occupational Classification. Texas A&M. HR Organizational Chart.