First of all, benefits of assigned diagnoses are parsimony, professionals’ communication, prediction, treatment plan, social and educational service access, help parents, and scientific discovery (Weis, 2014). All these benefits take a very important function when diagnosis is made; with the purpose of facilitate and relieve the distress caused by a mental disorder. The significance of parsimony is to expand the criteria associated with the condition. The DSM-5 bestows the use of a …show more content…
clinical language between mental health professionals, creating efficiency when referring to a client’s diagnosis completed for previous professionals in the field. Prediction is another advantage of diagnosis that helps providing information with future expectations and treatment plan given to the client. There are many active social and educational services provided to contribute and support the adaptation of a child or adolescence with a disorder. In order to participate in many of these services the person needs to have a diagnosis. Also helps the parents benefit, referring to the fact that in order for parents to yield the necessary and effective support for their children-adolescence, they need to acknowledge the problematic and probability of the psychological diagnosis (American Psychiatric Association, 2016).
Also there is another benefit that plays an implicit role when referring to a diagnosis, early intervention, follows by a defined diagnosis. DSM-5 identifies a high risk for developing disorders or psychotic diagnosis, which is not very common in the pediatric population. Getting an early diagnosis, the children or adolescence may have an optimistic prognosis. Diagnosis leads to treatment plan of intervention, which according to recent history of psychiatric researchers, in young age the early intervention advocates to relevant tools that the researchers will contribute to make the client’s aim easier (Arango, 2011).
As a mother of three kids, one with ADHD syndrome, I can express how frustrating it is to know that there is something not quite normal happening with our child; also the fear to find an incorrect answer and lack of knowledge to use the correct steps, to figure it out and help him.
Finally I can say that the diagnosis in my personal experience was the answer to many questions, frustrations, and solutions to our life. At the beginning, the stigma of a mental health diagnosis in my child was overwhelming, but in the present I truly believe that without the diagnosis, we would not be able to recognize the situation, to support and use the correct treatment for our