Unit 405 Applying theories and principles for planning and enabling inclusive learning and teaching
Theories and principles for planning and enabling inclusive learning and teaching.
This assignment aims to identify and discuss learning and teaching strategies that are particularly effective in meeting learner needs within the military environment. It will review some of the five main areas Behaviourism, Neo Behaviourism, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanist, and how these can be exploited within our delivery of learning and teaching, that the delivery strategy adopted is suitable to meet the needs of our learners with in the military environment, and to make sure the correct resources are available and ensuring the delivery of well-structured lesson.
Reece and Walker (2006) discuss learner and learning: principles and practises and analyses these areas breaking them into four parts.
What I will do is look at how these break down and incorporated along with the five main theories and how these can be adopted in teaching and learning within the military.
Principles of Learning.
Learning within a military environment learning it takes two very distinctive routes. Due to the fact the military is an autocratic society and to the nature of its training and learning it could be perceived that Soldiers are treated Neo–behaviourists and certainly a lot of military training would fit the Gagné (1975) eight types of learning. This is true for some of the basic fundamental and core military subjects. However I must also understand that outside of these core fundamental’s we need to be more reflective of the learning Domains. When I look at the delivery of training to soldiers I can see that it falls mainly with in the psychomotor domain and behaviourism, and only as the rise up the ladder of responsibility does the method and delivery model change to incorporate cognitive and affective domains, and a more andragogical model of delivery.
References: Armitage A., Bryant R., Dunhill R., Hammersley M., Hayes D., Hudson A., Lawes S. (2001) Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education. Curzon, L.B. (1990) Teaching in Further Education Fourth Edition Cassell Education Limited Gagné, R. (198five). The Conditions of Learning (4th ed.). New York. Holt, Rinehart & Winston Honey, P and Mumford, A (1982) Manuel of Learning Styles. Reece I and Walker S (2006) Teaching Training and Learning Sixth Edition Gateshead: Business Education Publishers Limited.