The white color people use mediums like impression management to brand certain type of group and made it known as people who cannot perform well in everything they do. These people will be around you and pretend like they are for you but will stub you at back. Although gender, in general, has been an issue when it comes to men and women working in the same arena. Both genders may possess the same certificate at their various job places but when it comes to promotion, they have branded the women with a glass ceiling, meaning they have limitations in their promotional level. That is the women have gender pay gap which limits them from rising to a certain level. There is some occasion that men make their working environments very hostile where sexual harassment is very rampant. Pictures of naked women have been displayed at the working place making women uncomfortable at the working …show more content…
According to Du Bios, these three concepts were intertwined dimensions of race and they are defined as follows. (Color line (Du Bois) it is defined as a hierarchically organized attitude, systems on the meaning and social structure revolving around skin color or “race”. Double Consciousness (Du Bois) is defined as a split or separation of the self from being both “black” and American. Veil (Du Bois) is a process in which skin color becomes both an objective and subjective in the social distance in mechanisms). “The problem of the 20th century was the color line, the relation to the darker to the lighter races of men in Asia and Africa, in America and in the land of the sea” (Appelrouth, Scott, and Laura Desfor. Edles. Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory Text and Readings. Los Angeles, CA: Sage, 2016. Print.). After the British took over the land from the Native American and started to develop the land, there were other European countries who also migrated to seek greener pastures and these European migrators were not simply accepted but have to go through proper screening in other for them to be welcomed into the