11. Has participation in dual enrollment affected your transition to college and the workforce as a full-time student? If so, how?
12. Did the dual enrollment program prepare you for work-life-balance related to social interactions, college, and workforce?
13. What factors contributed to your decision to participate in the dual enrollment program? 14. Did you experience any differences in balancing college class(es) taken while in high school and workforce versus the college classes taken as a full-time college student and workforce? Please explain your answers.
15. What personal and academic characteristics do you feel a student needs to be successful in dual …show more content…
Describe your feelings about each of the following aspects of dual enrollment courses: d.the location of the classes
e.characteristics of students in the classes, such as age, maturity level, etc.
f.overall environment of dual enrollment courses taken
17. How would you compare each of the aspects mentioned above with the college classes you have taken as a full-time student to work-life-balance?
18. Did you perceive any differences in the academic expectations set by instructors of the college classes taken as a high school student compared to the instructors of classes taken as a full-time college student? If so, please describe.
19. Did you have barriers at work that conflicted with the college schedule? If so, please describe.
20. Did participation in dual enrollment affect your decision to attend college after graduation while working? If so, …show more content…
Semi-structured interviews are used when the researcher knows what questions he or she wants to ask, but doesn’t no know what answers to expect. In semi-structured interviews, questions are asked in the same order in each interview, and responses to these open-ended questions may be probed so that the interviewee has the freedom to respond as he or she wishes. The important point is that unstructured interviews or guided interviews are methodological strategies to be used within qualitative methods –methods that are theoretically based and have a particular perspective that guides the data collection, analysis, and