The homeostatic capability of the body involves an internal balance in order for the body to properly function. This system is known as dual innervations. These are innervations affected by two systems known as the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve systems. The effector organs for the sympathetic system include: the smooth muscle of blood vessels, lungs, viscera, scalp, pupils, the heart, and glands. The effector organs for the parasympathetic system include: lacrimal glands, salivary glands, neck, blood vessels of the head, thoracoabdominal viscera, smooth muscle of glands and viscera (eg, liver, spleen, colon, kidneys, bladder, …show more content…
The olfactory epithelium is located in the nasal passage and is lined by olfactory receptors, which consist of golf protein that can be stimulated by odor molecules. When stimulated, the golf protein stimulates the release of a cyclic AMP catalyzing enzymes. Upon catalyzing, the cyclic AMP acts as a transmitter signaling the opening of sodium ion channels resulting in depolarization of the receptor cells. Olfactory sensory information travels from the axon through the cribriform plate holes and mitral cell synapse. The mitral cells are located in the olfactory bulbs encompassing the olfactory tract. The data then travels through the olfactory tract to the primary olfactory cortex into the limbic system. The cortex than transmits the data to three regions: the thalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, and hypothalamus. The reception of the olfactory information in the orbitofrontal cortex suggest the idea of why we perceive to smell and taste at the same time. The tongue is made up of small lumps known as papillae. Near to the papillae taste receptors can be found. They function to receive sensory information through two important procedures known as neurotransmitter and depolarization release. From the axons of the taste receptors the sensory data is than transmitted to the three taste pathways through cranial nerves (CN) VII (facial nerve transfers about two-thirds of taste sensory information from the tongues anterior); the remaining taste sensations are transferred by the branches of CN IX the glossopharyngeal nerve and then to the CN X the vagus nerve (Neuroscience, 2016). Taste sensory information then transmits via nerve fiber synapse to the solitary tract, ventral posteromedial thalamic nuclei, and last the thalamus. Clustered neurons can be found in these three areas that