The risk that many individuals are concerned about is the intentional and calculated use of the research information to do harm to national security, public health, and environment (Biotechnology and the Law 367). Bioterrorism is one potential risk for misuse, there are many individuals that would use the knowledge of a scientific research to develop harmful weapons than …show more content…
Moreover, there are individuals that may not be suitable to conduct research in a manner that are both responsible and cautious (Biotechnology and the Law 367). In other words, the information can fall to individuals that may lack research integrity, in which irresponsible conduct could result to something catastrophic.
Due to the nature of this proposed research, potential issues may arise since the resistant strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae is the key factor in the significant increase of morbidity and mortality rate globally. For instance, the proposed research of studying the resistant strains of the Streptococcus pneumoniae can lead to a potential new antibiotic (Science and Social Responsibility - Dual Use Research). Despite the many benefits that may derive from such proposal, the potential risks of misuse could outweigh the