The management concept in the west developed as a result of evolutionary process, based on the changing values systems of the people - the social, political, and economic environment as well as educational and cultural milieu. However, in India, historically we never evolved our own concepts, keeping the Indian scenario in view. We found it convenient to transfer management technology, just as scientific technology. Most of the management concepts in India have been borrowed from west. During last three decades the western especially the American concepts of management have become popular in India and to a large extent efforts are made to absorb some of these concepts in wide variety of organizational settings which range d from Taylor’s
Scientific management, management by objective to emphasis on business process reengineering etc.
1. “The actual management practices in India greatly differ from what we learn in Management schools which are based mostly on western philosophy”
The broad concepts of management and administration are in a sense universal. The culture specificity obtains to the extent to which these are applied. The concepts of planning, recruitment, training, financial systems and control, etc., are there in any culture, but the specificity is in how they are run and implemented. In India, too, down the ages there have been the existence of these universal principles and concepts of management and administration. But the difference in Indian administration and management lies in the subtle variation in how planning is carried out, how much is implemented, how recruitment takes place, what are the considerations, how are the financial controls effected and so on. The differences that manifest in Indian management and administrative practices are the result of the norms and expectations of the people through their history.
Most of the management practices in India have been borrowed from the West.