The platypus is one of the unlikely animals in the world. As a result, the very first biologists that were examining a case thought they were dealing with one of the trickiest species ever. This animal is as a combination of other well-known animals which are the duck, for its webbed feet and their bill. The beaver since it has a tail and lastly the otter for its body and fur. The male duckbill platypus is known to have venom; they also have stingers that are very sharp which are used to transport a strong toxic shock to any threat.
The duckbill platypuses are considered as mammals and have a carnivorous diet; they normally have an approximate weight of 1.361kg.
Analysis of the DNA of these species which are very distant to humans has been done over the years, and it was found they share a similarity which is genetic with both the birds as well as reptiles. They also have mammal characteristics. Biologists have always wanted to understand the mystery which is the evolution of these species which is why the decoding of the DNA is an important goal.
The group of animals known as monotremes, which are the platypus and the echidna are the two species that are closely related, and as a results studies have further explained that they actually divided from other mammals approximately 166 million years ago. This further explains …show more content…
The platypus is one of two mammals that can lay eggs. The chambers of the holes are where the female lays her eggs. The female commonly lays one or two eggs and uses her body and tail to keep them warm. After about ten days the eggs hatch but the size of the baby platypuses are very small and at this stage they are basically helpless. The eggs take about ten days to hatch, but these platypus infants are the size of lima beans and are totally helpless. The mother then normally nurses her young infants for about three to four months or when the babies can actually swim on their