A. Technical Due Diligence:
Project location
Schedule for start and C.O.D
Current state of equipment
Equipment available and needed
Current and target capacity
Please describe the work that has been done to date, and the remaining work required
Site big enough to expand?
How you intend to execute the project (e.g. by an EPC contractor, or directly by your Technical Partner)?
Where is the delivery point for evacuation of power?
Type of technology used?
Capacity, state and location of existing transmission lines
How much power can be evacuated from the plant with the existing transmission lines
Gas supply: amount required, source and access
The name of your Technical Partner for the project
Personnel involved
Access to site (What is the road network condition around the plant)?
Any additional utility needed (eg: steam)?
Is there demand around site area for by-product?
Does gas need to be processed before sunning in turbine?
Any previous complications with operation/ construction?
What is the current maintenance schedule and when was the last minor/major maintenance done?
What is the anticipated maintenance schedule?
B. Market Due Diligence:
Current and projected demand and supply
Who are the consumers and major offtakers?
What is the Customer payment rate in country
Who are the competitors
What is the tariff structure in the country
Agreement with technical partners
Guarantee for gas supply
Guarantee to cover gas investment
Funding agreement
Security cover
C. Environmental Due Diligence:
Geotechnical investigation
Any known environmental liabilities?
Has the environmental approval form been issued? How long is the approval valid?
What is the ESIA plan and environmental approval plan
Please confirm that there are no existing environmental liabilities
What additional ESIA studies the barging company will require?
What is the estimated cost and timeline to complete any required ESIA study?
D. Permit Due Diligence:
License and