Driving under the Influence is a dangerous trend and is known to cause many critical accidents and deaths which could have been easily prevented. Even though the consequences for DUI arrests are strict, they seem to not be effective enough. The toll of alcohol-related deaths, repeated offenders, and accidents is still rising, leaving the streets dangerous and families devastated. Over half the drivers arrested for drunk driving in the nation, are repeated offenders. I stand strongly against drunk drivers; They are a threat to themselves and society and believe that they should be taught a tough lesson when caught. Therefore, the charges for Driving Under the Influence laws need to be more severe. In the following paper I will present numerous reasons, followed by examples as to why the DUI laws should be increased, starting with statistics and tolls of alcohol-related deaths.
The laws for DUI charges differ in each state, but they all come down to the same basics. If you are pulled over, and are found to be under the influence and your blood alcohol level checks out to be over 0.08 percent, you get charged with a DUI. You receive an on the spot 90 day license suspension, and pay a minimum 250 dollar fines. Now that already may be a turning point for some, but the numbers prove otherwise. Alcohol is a major factor in traffic accidents. The U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA, http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov) estimates that there is an alcohol-related traffic fatality every 30 minutes. In 2006 alone 41 percent of all crashes were alcohol related, drunken drivers
Page 2 cause an annual death toll of over 25,000. We don’t even need to look at these statistics, to be reminded of these deaths or accidents. Every day we turn on the TV, and guaranteed there is at least one story about an alcohol-related death, accident and especially arrest. More than half of