This Bruce Harvill, Building 3011 Apt. D, writing to you. My caregiver, Linda and I have been living in Duke Manor for the past 8 years or so, and we call it home.
For the last year or so, we have been hearing rumors that when our lease expires in November, we will be forced to move to either a different apartment or out of the complex. However, I have also heard that in some cases, the lease is extended for one more year. Which of these statements are the more accurate?
I was also informed by a Duke Manor staff member that only two months before our lease expires will we be provided any additional information on being forced out of the place, we call our home.
Maybe I am wrong, but two months is a very short time to find a place to live, move, transfer all of the utilities and set up a new address, especially with a disability – I would think we should have been informed and in the loop about the forced move, several months or up to a year ago – however, we have been kept in the dark. …show more content…
We like our neighbors. We take care of each other, but due to the all mighty dollar, we are all going to be evicted from our “homes”, split apart and in some cases, have a difficult time readjusting to new