“This is The Dark Time, My Love” is about a people whose dreams of a better life have been threatened by the destructive power of the “strange invaders.” The persona conveys his intense anger against the British military presence and his belief that their rule is wrong and they display total injustice. Additionally, the persona accentuates the subjection, devastation, death and anger of the people of Guyana. It focuses on the “dark time” that the people are facing that the experience of the war where “all around the land brown beetles crawl about”. “Everywhere the faces of men are strained and anxious” tell of the fear and tension that the victims feel. Even nature is sympathetic as “red flowers bend their heads in awful sorrow.” The poet laments of the misery of his people, the instability of his people and the sorrow brought by these “strange invaders”.
In “Dulce et Decorum Est”, a soldier vividly describes the horrors of war as he hopelessly watches one of his comrades being “gassed.” Returning from the battle-field, “bent double,” coughing and limping with blood-shod feet, they had not heard the gas-filled shells being dropped. Luckily, most of the soldiers managed to escape, but unfortunately one of his comrades did not. As the persona recounts the traumatic experience, he lashes out at all who thinks that it is glorious and honourable to die for one’s country. The impact of the incident on