
Dulce Et Decorum Est By Wilfred Owen Essay

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Dulce Et Decorum Est By Wilfred Owen Essay
Wilfred Owen’s perspective on human conflict, conveyed in his confronting poetry, has questioned and challenged our thoughts on war. In 1914 when war broke out propaganda posters advertised idealistic notions of patriotism, duty, adventure, honour, and glory. This tempted the young men to enlist. Owen felt he was more valuable as a poet, rather than a soldier. However, this quickly changed when he enlisted and saw the devastating effects of war, which he then saw his purpose to reveal how war dehumanises man through its utter destruction and brutality through his poetry. Wilfred Owen’s poem ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’, is one of the most significant poems for Its vivid imagery and fierce tone making it an unforgettable model of textual representation …show more content…
“Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge.” In stanza one Owen has presented the men not as heroes but as extremely exhausted men sapped of their soldiery spirit. He has used language, sound and rhythm to convey the reader into his sensory experience, even to the extent of employing onomatopoeic rhyme to mimic the sound of mud in the word ‘sludge’. “Knock-kneed.” Owen has used alliteration to create an image of the soldiers, but also simile to emphasise their weariness and stress that there is absolutely nothing enjoyable in their physical and psychological state. “Coughing like hags.” Owen’s use of visual imagery captures the soldiers physical and psychological degradation. Thus the comparative description by way of, similes and metaphors makes it obvious how these men were once fit but have now been compared to ugly old women, keeping in mind, these are young men. Due to Owen’s portrayal of emotions and feelings, it has brought up a negative aspect on human conflict as it questions and challenges our emotions and feelings relating to the dehumanising effect of …show more content…
“He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.” In stanza three Owen has employed the repetition of participial “ing” word, “guttering, choking, drowning,” to create a unpleasing image in the reader's head and also the repetition of the word, “drowning,” from the previous stanza captures the essence of helplessness that is transferred to the witness (Owen) can offer no support. Owen’s spiteful criticism and outrage at those who send men especially the young to their grave was condensed in the third stanza and for those still living are also condemned to a traumatic revisiting of this poor man’s fate. Owen’s depiction of the brutality of war has brought up a negative perspective on human conflict as it questions and challenges the thoughts of society on the lives of the innocent lost in the

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