
Dulce Et Decorum Est By Wilfred Owen

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Dulce Et Decorum Est By Wilfred Owen
War is not a force to be messed, with as shown in “Dulce Et Decorum Est” written by Wilfred Owen who served in the Royal British military as an infantryman. Wilfred Owen wrote the poem on first hand experiences of fellow soldiers dying around him from gas, artillery, fire, or simple small arms fire. Wilfred Owen is trying to inform the general public through the theme that war is not a heroic dream that some may have read about, but war is horrific, nightmarish and if you aren’t on your toes you could find yourself to be helpless as a toddler. Throughout the poem is very clear that several horrifying images can spring up in your mind which is told through imagery. Comparing soldiers to being as slow as the elderly through metaphors is as well a prominent way Wilfred Owen gets the theme across. The speed of the poem as well shows how quickly one can go from being alive to dead in a matter of minutes or a split second. …show more content…
Although most people feel a crude sense of dread and are on edgy: ” Someone was yelling out and stumbling / under a sea of green, I saw him drowning // before my helpless sight, he plunges at me guttering, choking, and drowning” (Lines 11, 14, 16). Most people who read on heroic stories hear tales of individuals against all odds somehow coming out on top, but in real war that is one in a million. A sea of green shows the immense force and size of the forces against you which is horrifying to believe. When the dying soldier plunges at the poet the in his dreams the dying soldier is helpless there is nothing anyone can do to save him from his inevitable death. A soldier relies on himself and his gear to work together, a soldier’s gear are his lord and savior but, if he is clumsy with himself he will surely

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