Our culture has had an influence on individuals’ awareness and reactions, or lacking thereof, to incidents of domestic violence. The average individual has a conditioned brain to not associate normal feelings surrounding violence and harassment when a woman commits domestic violence against a man. One may actually find the situation comical at times. In relation to media, there is a low frequency of women hitting men or being the aggressor on television shows or movies. Based on the perception of domestic violence and the actual statistics of it, this culture is creating an environment with a major double-standard. Society is highly aware of violence from men towards other men yet when seeing violence from men towards women it is regarded as a serious matter, never comical or innocuous; it is seen as deadly. Therefore, the effect of this double-standard likely increases the chances for women to be violent in relationships while it is overlooked by the media, the general public and by activist who study the matter of domestic …show more content…
Priority Bill: HB 606/SB 477 • Domestic Violence – Persons Eligible for Relief expands the persons eligible for relief in the protective order statute to include “an individual who has had a sexual relationship with the respondent within one year before the filing of the petition”(Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence)2016.
Priority Bill HB 263 • Domestic Violence – Permanent Protective Orders – Conspiracy or Solicitation to Commit Murder Conspiracy or Solicitation to Commit Murder –expands the circumstances under which a court is required to issue a permanent final protective order to include the conviction of an individual for conspiracy or solicitation to commit murder(Maryland Network Against Domestic