of material items increased, bringing the factory owners higher profits. Even today, many workers are paid less than two dollars for every hour they work, which is far below minimum wage. Sweatshops are mainly located in Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Costa Rica and many poorer countries since there are no laws to prevent factory owners from overworking and underpaying its employees. Conditions in sweatshops are appalling, from the cramped workspace to low wages and long hours, but citizens do what they must to earn money to support their families.
of material items increased, bringing the factory owners higher profits. Even today, many workers are paid less than two dollars for every hour they work, which is far below minimum wage. Sweatshops are mainly located in Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Costa Rica and many poorer countries since there are no laws to prevent factory owners from overworking and underpaying its employees. Conditions in sweatshops are appalling, from the cramped workspace to low wages and long hours, but citizens do what they must to earn money to support their families.