I could not speak fluent English. My enthusiasm of learning was destroyed. Shortly afterwards, I gave up studying science; I assumed I could never succeed in that subject. I nearly failed every quiz and test that I took that year. What could I do to improve this situation? Why did I fall from the top to the bottom? I frequently asked myself, nonetheless, I could not find an answer, and I refused to find one. At the end of my eighth grade, I reluctantly accepted the lowest level of science class that Mrs. H assigned me to, which I considered my destiny.
In high school, I met Mr.
Buckingham, my freshman year science teacher. At first, I assumed every science teacher would teach like Mrs. H, however, Mr. Buckingham treated students differently. He helped me discover my ability, and placed me in one of his upper level classes. He told amusing jokes in class and made us laugh; I considered of him like a friend. Science did not seem as challenging and tedious as I supposed any longer; consequently, I turned on my study mode again. I translated vocabulary words that I did not understand and wrote them down in a small notebook. Whenever I asked Mr. Buckingham for help, he was always willing and patient when answering my questions. A few months later, when I read the textbooks, I felt astonished that I understood the content. At that point I began to do extra practice, particularly on the topics that confused me. I improved from a C student to an A student.
Time past quickly; before I realized it, my freshman year had come to an end. During the week before finals, everyone seemed to put in the most effort. Mr. Buckingham tried to inspire us to study. I did not panic as my classmates did, but I still spent a few days studying science. Unlike my old self, who required help, I felt full of confidence again. We took the science exam during the first day; Mr. Buckingham told us that we could check our grades on the next day. Without struggle during the exam, I finished all the questions, and became the first person who turned in the exam.
When I went to his classroom on the second day, he smiled as he noticed I come in. “Congratulations, Vivian. You got a ninety eight.”
“Thank you, Mr. Buckingham.”
I smiled back to him. I didn’t think that I would receive a higher score than I expected. By retaining this triumph, I would go on to gain much more than academic achievements.