Reportable diseases and ethical dilemmas are a great concern, for those with a diagnosis of such disease. Patients do not want their diagnosis to get out. In fear of discrimination and social environment acceptance. Thus concealing such information can be detrimental to the population and everyone in close contact.
Physicians have a duty to report all diseases that can be a life threat to others. With laws such as HIPPA patients information is considered confidential and can only be given to others on a need to know basis. In this case it is ethics vs laws and communicable diseases are dangerous to the population therefore it is a legal right to override the laws of HIPPA and statues of patient privacy.
The privacy …show more content…
Nevertheless, patients believed that they were protected when it came to their rights and confused about the grey area in text and law. Physicians have a duty to treat no matter the findings without moral judgement. However patients are fearful to disclose their own information due to what they know about the disease and cases they have heard about. It is the also the Physicians duty to advise and educate the patients of the importance to seek medical attention and make partners aware, or anyone that could contract the disease. As well, many believe it is morally wrong not to tell people that could be in harms way. It is also said to be unethical. On the other hand, it is the patient right not to disclose information to all medical staff and employers. Therefore if laws and reporting procedures weren't in place more cases of transmission would be noted.
Furthermore, coming from a medical staff standpoint it only seems right to disclose information of a patient to a coworker who treats a patient with a reportable disease. Many staff in array of facilities have given me the heads up although if OSHA standards were in practiced routinely and systematically it is a thought that there is no worry still it is a undeniable concern. I'm well aware of the laws but my thoughts are still unbalanced. I have the same thought for any coworkers. As a patient, I would like to know if my provider has HIV OR AIDS just like medical staff wants to know about their