Cultures differ from organization to another depending upon the leaders of the organization on how they shape organizational culture. It is merely dependant on the core business of the organization and vital values that needs to be embedded in an organization. They are many organizations who adopt uniformity in their organization cultures whereas others they adopt heterogeneity prospective in their organization culture. Nowadays many organizations prefer to have a combination of both cultures depending on their organization structures and departments core functions. Uniformity and heterogeneity differs from department to another depending upon their core function and if the organization would foster in their business then they must have mix of both.
Dubai Airports has got elements of both uniformity and heterogeneity in the organization cultures. Safety and security culture is uniformed culture across the organization and it is practised and any unsafe acts noticed are reported by every individual working with Dubai Airports regardless his department or unit. There was a training conducted by our Health, Safety, Security and Environment department called SUSA (Safe and unsafe act auditing) to the whole department within the organizations. Consequently, it is considered as uniformity culture and must be practise by all. It is in the DNA of the organization. Another classical example for uniformity in culture is Dubai Airport values which are uniformity culture that is cascaded down to all the employees. There are five values demonstrated by all departments which are energetic, reliable, caring, ambitious and proud. These values are embedded into each and every individuals working with Dubai Airport. In many organizations uniformity can be viewed through their vision, mission, strategic pillars, objectives and core functions. The entire departments must tailor out the function to meet the vision, mission....etc of the