Section: A
Semester: Fall 2012
Program: MS-Mgt
Assignment #5
[Position Paper: Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management]
Submitted to: Dr. Sarwar M. Azahar
Submitted by: Syed Shahid Hussain 12013092-016 Maham Shahid 12014092-001 Rehman Asif 12013092-011
Due Date: 13th December 2012
Submission Date: 13th December 2012
Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management
(Teece et al., 1997)
Strategic management deals with the fundamental question of achieving and sustaining competitive advantage which is the striving force for any organization (Rumeltet et al.,1994).Previous strategic theories emphasized the issue of sustainability and protection of firm’s competitive advantage derived from the valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable resources of the firm that facilitate or restrict the choice of market entry and the expected profit (Wernerfelt 1989).Globalization and other national, international level competitive forces are leading to rapid technological change. This rapid technological change is a great threat for the firms to sustain their competitive advantage. To cope up with such rapidly changing environment
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