Candide is a static character on his beliefs, yet he is a dynamic character in nature. In the text it states, “I have killed my old master, my friend, by brother-in-law! I am the best-nature creature in the world, and yet I have already …show more content…
All the characters that are presented in Voltaire's novella show how they progressed either in a positive or negative way. Martin who introduced himself as a Manichean had already seen the world, for what he believed was abandoned by God and had given it to some evil being. A conversation between Martin and Candide goes as follows, “ ‘And yet there is some good in the world,’ replied candide. ‘Maybe so,’ said Martin; ‘but it has escaped my knowledge.’ ”(82) Martin is a man who sees no good in the world, with the exception of El Dorado a Eutopia. The difference between him and candide and the way he cultivated his garden was that he, grew into a person with beliefs that not everything is the best of all possible worlds. Paquette states, “this is one of the miseries of the trade; yesterday I was stripped and beaten by an officer, yet today I must appear in good humor in order to please a friar.”(103) Paquette has had many misfortunes ever since she had left the city and palace of Thunder-ten-Tronckh. She has a different view on the world and the evil it gives, she has grown and accepted what her fate has come up to. Pangloss’ Philosophical Optimism did not reflect their life, as nothing was “the best of all possible worlds” for these