The most crucial problem that Indian democracy faces today is the political instability at Central level and state levels. The instability mounted as no single party getting a clear cut majority in forming the government due to the fractured political opinion of the electorate and swindling of multi –party system. Coalition politics has become an essential feature of present day Indian democracy.
Theorizing politics of coalition in a polity of India’s size, diversity, and complexity is difficult task. Yet an attempt has been made in this study to make theoretical sense of Indian politics. The collapse of the national parties and mushroom growth of the regional political parties have forced India into the coalition mode. Due to the gradual decline of the congress dominance and presence of any viable alternative coalition building efforts has become inevitable. National Front 1989, the United Front of 1996, National Democratic Alliance of 1998, and the United Progressive Alliance of 2004 and 2009 were unavoidable and indispensable for the Indian democracy.
In Indian federal structure, states are performing as a unit of central government and deal with subjects having direct, immediate, and intimate impact on the fortunes of the citizens. Therefore the study also attempts to answer the question whether the coalition framework in the context of Indian politics is good or bad for the country. At one extreme, there is always “the pride about majority governments” and at the other extreme, “the prejudice against coalition politics”. The balanced view, however, seems to have been the agreement that, “it should not be taken for granted that coalition governments, whether their type and stage of growth, are per se dysfunctional to nation building and effective administration, all the more because we are still travelling on the way to coalition making and there are several patterns of coalition politics in the
References: Divided we stand: India in a Time of Coalitions. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and Shankar Raghuraman.SAGE publications pvt Limited.2008 Coalition Politics in India: Dimensions of Federal Power Sharing;Subhendu Ranjan Raj,Manak Publications 2009 Dynamics of Coalition Politics;Dr.Dasarathi Bhuyan;Dr.Simanchal MuniAbhijeeth Publications SUBJECT: POLITICAL SCIENCE TOPIC: DYNAMICS OF COALITION POLITICS IN INDIA