In this dysfunction the main focus is achieving personal success and status, which erodes the focus on team success. Leaders can overcome this dysfunction by offering result based rewards, minimize individualistic behavior, and setting the tone and focus for results of the team.
This was a great read about identifying everyday dysfunctions within teams. I was able to recognize a few within my team at work. One dysfunction my team is currently struggling with is fear of conflict. From this book, I learned to encourage my team to correct issues in a timely manner and I will be involving my team’s suggestions and advice on ways to make the team more effective. Sometimes this encourages team members to express concerns in an open environment without singling individuals out. This book is a great team building book for leaders. Knowing the dysfunctions is only minimum of the battle you will will face with your team as a leader. Some of these remedies are not easy but putting forth the action and effort Lencioni recommends will help you build a stronger and trusting team. I do feel this book is highly recommended if you want to keep your team solid and