They should change by showing their diversity because everyone should be themselves and not hide it.The society has made everyone equal “Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than everybody else.”(1) This quote helps my claim because everyone is the same in this society and that needs to change because …show more content…
When the government said there can only be two winners they changed the ruled and said “The earlier revoked have been revoked. Closer examination of the rule book has revealed that only one winner may be allowed.”( ) This quote supports my claim because it shows that the government has changed the rules and in now forcing Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark to kill one of them. This shows that the government is controlling them by making them do things by their command. You should control yourself and don't let other people do it for you.
Studying dystopian literature helps us because you should not always rely on technology. When the Captain was trying to go home “Auto pilot turned on him and wouldn't let him go back to Earth.¨(WALL-E) This quote supports my claim because at first the Captain trusted Auto Pilot thinking he could get help from him. Then Autopilot turned on him so the Captain and everyone on that ship could not go back to Earth by trying to destroy the one thing that get them back home. Technology only helps sometimes now all the time.
Studying dystopian literature helps us understand that Diversity should be in every society because it creates something beautiful, you should control yourself and don't let other people do it for you, and technology only helps sometimes not all the time. You should not let your society become a dystopian society because you should always show something special about