4.6 Influence of e-commerce in the Iran and the world business
In the 1990s, the internet has emerged into the global communications scene, and its growth has been …show more content…
are all examples of e-commerce. Based on fuzzy logic, more precise planning can be done for e-commerce development. By utilizing the strategic management model in e-commerce, companies can participate in e-commerce according to their e-readiness level. The use of the strategic management model in e-commerce also provides the opportunity for the evaluation and effectiveness of e-commerce so that it can be defined specific indicators in accordance with the electronic evolution stage. For example, a company that is at an early stage should not expect to sell the internet. In the strategic management model in e-commerce, there is a believed that the use of e-commerce can be exploited from a step-by-step or one-time approach. The gradual deployment of the system prevents inconsistencies and the probability of e-commerce projects failure. In a one-time approach, the new system is deployed in one step and …show more content…
The reason of this issue is that the level of significance is more than the standard level of significance (0.05) for all components of strategic management in e-commerce enterprises and as a result there is no significant difference between the different genders and the components of strategic management in e-commerce in the enterprises under study. In other words, individuals’ opinions with different gender are not significant difference to each other toward to the components of strategic management in