There are two different terms which can be defined separately. The two terms are e-government and e-governance. However, Bernhard (2013) and Singh and Sharma (2009) asserted as these two terms are used in research interchangeably and noted that no single definitions for the terms. Anttiroiko (2007) also has noted as these two terms are completely different concepts. Just putting the letter “e” before the two words of government and governance change their meaning differently and this implies that it operates with the help of electronic tools (Bernhard, 2013). However, the concept of e-government was emerged and began to practice in 1990s, but it has been recorded in a US document called the …show more content…
On the other hand, literature gives evidence to consider as the concept of e-government deals with all the range of activities of the government including administration. Further, it reveals that term of e-government has a narrow meaning. It deals with the development of online services of government to citizen. For instance, government services are offered through online such as e-tax, e-pension, e-health and all kinds of e-services to citizens. Bernhard (2013) has defined e-government as government agencies use the systems and tools which are available in ICT and these changes make influence on public administration too, accordingly aim of e-government is to provide enhanced efficiency internally as well as superior public services to people and business, meanwhile e-governance define as the services through ICT enable networks and new management settings for public administration for both sectors which are private and public. Moreover, findings of his study reveal that these two terms are different concepts from the perspective of e-administration and e-services. So that, these two terms cannot be used interchangeably. However, Yildiz (2007) notes that there is no universally …show more content…
It involves all new channels to access government through ICT. New styles of leadership, new methods for transacting business, new systems for organizing and offering government services as well as information can be seen there. Hence, e-governance has the potential to enhance the governing process and that is invaluable. At the same time interaction through ICT channels among the institutions, organizations, companies and different societies are key activities in an e-government environment. The ultimate aim of the e-governance is to make sure the successful implementation of e-government services to citizen. Furthermore, UNESCO (2007) has mentioned that following objectives of the e-governance motivate to achieve the above stated aim of the e-governance.
• To increase the internal organizational processes of the government
• To offer information and services better
• To improve the government’s transparency in order to prevent corruption
• To strengthen political reliability and accountability
• To encourage democratic activity through public participation and