The subject areas I have assisted with include; reading, math, special education, and supervision. For reading, I am with Mrs. Nappier’s first grade intervention group. She has seven students and appreciates my help. I will take three of the students and have them read to me. The students point out what sight words they can find. I enjoy working with the students, it gives me a chance to see what they need improvement on.
For math, I have been working with Mrs. Meyer’s third grade intervention group. She has six students and they enjoy having me help them. I was able to play “multiplication war” with the students. We have also done task cards, where the students go around the room and write down multiplication …show more content…
Since the four bloody nose incidents, we have more teachers and aides available at the end of the day to help monitor bus duty. It is much better now. The students are starting to get into a routine about where they go and how to behave.
The two standards that I have demonstrated would be standards two and three. Standard two is demonstrating professionalism and ethical practice. I have demonstrated this standard by assisting Mrs. Nappier with her reading group. I have followed her instructions on how she would like the students to read with me. I have also watched as she has modeled to the students on what to keep their eye out for when reading a story. I explain to the students what we are going to do and they read the story perfectly fine for me.
Standard three is supporting a positive learning environment. I have demonstrated this standard reminding the students how they should act in their bus lines. The students know they should sit in a line and keep their hands to themselves. Sometimes I have to remind them on how they should behave and respond to me by showing me how to behave. The students are doing much better at following the rules and listening when I remind them how they should