The Myers-Briggs personality type test is one of most used and respected psychological assessments. It contains 16 different personality types and is suppose to represent all the different types of personalities in the world. It is not uncommon for businesses, government jobs and other institutions to incorporate the test to see whether an individual would fit into the culture and atmosphere of the company. According to the test, I am a ESTJ (Extravert(31%), Sensing(1%), Thinking(28%), Judging(28%)), which matched some famous people such as John D. Rockefeller. I was surprised by how accurate the description of the suggested personality style matched my own.…
I think I am very reliable at completing my commitments on time and communicating with my teammates. According my Keirsey Temperament Sorter Report, my temperament is guardian, and my type is supervisor. I take my responsibility seriously, and I rarely let my personal events distract me from my duties. I like to put everything on a calendar, so I will not miss anything. I can communicate to my teammates effectively, because I respect their values and listen to their advices.…
The person that I chose to interview for my profile report is my sister’s boyfriend Dan, he is 31 years old. I had him take the personality test first (Myers Briggs). I asked him if he had ever taken the Myers Briggs test before or any other personality tests and his response was no. It took him approximately 30 minutes to complete the test. His results were ESTJ, Extroverted 70%, Sensing 53.13%, Thinking 55.26%, and Judging 61.29%. ESTJ is categorized as “administrator”, much in touch with the external environment and very responsible. I found more information on what ESTJ really means on the personality page web site and printed them out and gave them to Dan to further understand his results. On the website he was categorized as “The Guardian”. Here is a part from the ESTJ portrait: As an ESTJ, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. ESTJ’s live in a world of facts and concrete needs. They live in the present, with their eye constantly scanning their personal environment to make that everything is running smoothly and systematically. They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs. They expect the same of others, and have no patience or understanding of individuals who do not value these systems. They value competence and efficiency, and like to quick results for their efforts. ESTJ’s are take-charge people. They have a clear vision of the way that things should be, that they naturally step into leadership roles. They are self-confident and aggressive. They are extremely talented at devising systems and plans for action, and at being able to see what steps need to be taken to complete a specific task. They can sometimes be very demanding and critical, because they have such strongly held beliefs, and are likely to express themselves without reserve if they feel…
Characteristics: e.g. objectivity, patience, persistence, empathy, approachable, consistent, goal focused, committed, discreet, forgiving, attentive, empowering…
2. The examples of animism that relates to hunting and agriculture were that hunting was a religious pursuit in which the hunter saw the animal as a fellow creature with a similar spirit, therefore a hunter prayed to the spirit of the animal before the hunt. only those animals that were absolutely needed were killed. After the hunt, one asked the animal for forgiveness. For agriculture Native Americans worshiped the soil, plants, trees. Plants, like animals are thought to have spirits and are treated as persons by many Native Americans.…
Communicating well with others is something I strive for, by stopping and taking the time to listen to what someone is going through and keeping an open mind to analyze different possibilities of most scenarios. While most situations do not have a quick fix, I can problem solve with patience and flexibility. Being strong-willed is an attribute that inspires me to work and make this world better than I found it. Enthusiasm, intelligence, and determination are all qualities I possess that will serve this profession well, and more importantly my clients and community. Courage, united with empathy is necessary to deal with tough issues and challenging situations that confront individuals and society.…
Dependable-arriving to work and appointments on time, keeping track of and control of equipment, meeting deadlines, being in the right place…
• I am always willing to help anyone that needs it; I am easy to talk to as well being a good listener. My colleagues have always come to me for help or advice and I am always willing to listen and see what I can do to help.…
I agree that these soft skills are the most looked for in a person that a company is looking about hiring. In my thoughts these six soft skills listed are in the correct order, but I would like to add a couple more like as listed in the paragraphs below.…
Having all of those qualities help me with the career I want. Being a Trauma surgeon is a huge responsibility since you have another persons life in your hands. says that “ good listeners and enthusiastic team members, people with ESFJ personality type are excellent providers of medical care and social work. Another characteristic that I have is that I know how to stay calm in alarming situations. With this, I would be great in the medical field as a trauma surgeon. Lastly having a positive attitude would mean that I would always have hope for any and every…
The teacher will plan for the long and medium term planning, they may put time aside during the week to discuss the learning objectives for the lessons so that the support practitioner will have a clear understanding of what is to be expected of the lesson and how to help the children achieve this.…
After completing the Keirsey temperament sorter (personality type evaluation), leadership style self-assessment compared with leadership grid, networking and negotiating self-assessments, I have found certain strengths and weaknesses in my personality to be an effective leader. According to the Keirsey temperament sorter, I have ESFJ as my personality and temperament type (Keirsey & Bates, 1984). The general characteristics of SJ temperament people are they are Traditionalists, stabilizer and consolidators. They enjoy decision making process, patient, and realistic. They generally tend to be impatient while waiting for the results and impact of their decisions. According to the Lussier and Achua’s (2010) self-assessments, I possess both high task leadership and high people leadership styles. When this result is overlapped with the leadership grid, it gave the team…
When I first found out my personality type and researched it I was pretty surprised with the results. Most of what is described about an ENTJ fits my personality exactly, like how an ENTJ’s primary mode of living is focused externally, where they deal with things rationally and logically and their secondary mode is internal, where they take things in primarily through their intuition. Something that surprised me though was the part about how ENTJ’s are natural born leaders. I’ve never really considered myself as a leader, but then I begin to evaluate myself and realized that I like taking charge of people and directing them in order for the task to get done efficiently and effectively. Another strength that I can relate to is being a strategic thinker as well as being very…
Everyone has both strengths, and weaknesses, and an awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses is part of effective leadership. One of her key strengths is that she is self-motivated and determined. She normally works on her initiatives with determination, and desire to succeed. She works vigorously to ensure that the desired outcome has been achieved. Ability to learn is another of her strengths. She is normally interested in learning innovative things, and exploring different options. Learning in an important part of leadership as it is through learning that organizations evolve. She is also a team player. She does not have any problem working with others, and sacrificing individual goals for the achievement of the objectives of the organization. She understands that leadership requires sacrifice, and this is why she has no problem sacrificing individual interests.…
In taking the online assessment, I found that my results listed me as an ENTJ also known as a Field Marshal (Extroverted 44%, Intuitive 62%, Thinking 38%, Judging 89%). This result overall did not surprise me, but there were some traits listed that caught me off guard. ENTJ’s make great managers and are particularly career and performance focused and have the ability to harness/gather people and direct them to achieve short and long term goals. However, ENTJ’s have a tendency to become harsh when their patience is tried; they do not like repetitive errors and don’t feel that they should tailor their judgments in consideration of people’s feelings. A quote by an ENTJ summed up the flaw of their non-compassion pretty well when they said “I’m sorry that you have to die”.…