There are 7 areas of learning and development which are all inter-connected. There are 3 areas which are essential to children's enthusiasm for learning, these are called prime areas which are :- communication and language - to develop and experience a rich language environment, and build confidence in skills to express themselves when speaking and listening. physical development - to have opportunities to be active and interactive, to develop co-ordination, control in their movement. Children need to be taught the importance of being active and eating healthy. personal, social and emotional development - to develop a positive image
of themselves and others, have positive relationships and respect for others, develop social skills and manage feeling and behaviour, be confident in their abilities.
There are also 4 specific areas of learning which the 3 prime areas are strengthened and applied which are :- literacy - linking sounds and letters also beginning to read and write, have access to a range of reading books to develop their interest. mathematics - develop skills in counting, understanding & using numbers, simple addition & subtraction, to describe shapes, spaces & measures. understanding the world - to explore their environment and community by learning about people, places, religion & technology. expressive arts and design - to provide a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, design & technology, also encouraging sharing thoughts, ideas & feelings.
Department of March 2014 Statutory Framework for Crown copyright 2014
Education the early years foundation stage.