The Eagle Eyes program is an anti-terrorism initiative that enlists the eyes and ears of Air Force members and citizens in the war on terror. The program reveals some typical activities in which terrorists engage to plan their attacks.
How You Can Help Anti-Terrorism Efforts in the Northern District of Georgia
Preventing terrorist acts requires all of us to be both diligent and proactive in identifying suspected terrorists. Members of the public are an invaluable resource in our effort to safeguard citizens and their property. The law enforcement community is doing all it can to keep us safe. You can help by offering your full support and cooperation should your assistance be needed in an interview, request for documentation, or request for information. You and your family are encouraged to stay attuned to your surroundings. If you see activity that you think is suspicious and possibly linked to terrorism, please report it promptly to your local law enforcement agency or to the FBI in Atlanta at (404) 679-9000.
What are the results already achieved by India through its counter-terrorism policies and techniques?
There is peace in Nagaland with a duly elected government promoting the economic development of the state. Only a small group of Nagas from the bordering areas of Manipur has not yet given up arms, but it is observing a ceasefire and negotiating with the government.
There has been peace in Mizoram for nearly 20 years now.
There has been peace in Punjab since 1995. However, Pakistan has not yet given up its efforts to re-kindle terrorism in Punjab through some terrorist leaders and hijackers given sanctuary in its territory.
The Ananda Marg has been dormant since 1995.
As the economic and social development of the states affected by Maoist terrorism moves forward, these