I started cub scouts when I was 7 years old. My dad took me to a meeting and I loved the fun games we played and interesting topics we learned. When I graduated from cub scouts and joined Boy Scouts ,I really enjoyed the camping, hiking and outdoor experiences. Earning First Class was easy. I learned a lot about camping, first aid, orienteering, canoeing and cooking. When I achieved Star, I started to learn how to complete merit badges, some of which took me a lot longer then I thought. Climbing to Life Scout is where I started to slow down and focus on my leadership skills. In my leadership training, I had the privilege of going to NYLT and honing my leadership techniques. During this time, I was accepted into
I started cub scouts when I was 7 years old. My dad took me to a meeting and I loved the fun games we played and interesting topics we learned. When I graduated from cub scouts and joined Boy Scouts ,I really enjoyed the camping, hiking and outdoor experiences. Earning First Class was easy. I learned a lot about camping, first aid, orienteering, canoeing and cooking. When I achieved Star, I started to learn how to complete merit badges, some of which took me a lot longer then I thought. Climbing to Life Scout is where I started to slow down and focus on my leadership skills. In my leadership training, I had the privilege of going to NYLT and honing my leadership techniques. During this time, I was accepted into