Student number: s2875363 Student name: Kate O’Reilly Course name: CCJ10 Introduction to Forensic Psychology Enrollment: External, Griffith University
Course convener: Dr. Myesa Knox Mahoney Course tutor: Domanic De Andrade Date due: Wed 23rd Jan 2013 Word count: 1430
It has been widely acknowledged that crime has consequences for individuals and society (Ou & Reynolds, 2010). So it has been widely accepted that children and adolescents with antisocial behaviour are a societal problem (Helmond, Overbeek & Brugman, 2012). Antisocial behavior is characterised by violent offences such as robbery and assault causing harm to not only its victims but to society as well (Helmond, Overbeek & Brugman, 2012). Society pays the price for crime not only in loss of personal effects and medical costs but also in the cost of incarceration to the tax payers (Ou & Reynolds, 2010). It is the antisocial behaviour, that is targeted in early interventions, in an attempt to diminish delinquency (Hollin & Palmer, 2009). Studies have been undertaken that provide evidence that intervention is effective and benefits the whole of society (Ou & Reynolds, 2010).
In this essay, focus will be drawn specifically to intervention and it’s part in curbing recidivism in juvenile offenders. The impact of early intervention for young offenders will be explored in detail, and some examples of early interventions, how and why they work, will be examined and this research will support the success of early interventions and their
References: Buchen, L. (2012). Science in court : arrested development. Nature, 484(7394), 304-306 Erickson, C. D. (2012). Using Systems of Care to Reduce Incarceration of Youth with Serious Mental Illness. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49(3-4), 404–416. DOI 10.1007/s10464-011-9484-4 Gibbs, J Hollin, C. R. & Palmer, E. J. (2009). Cognitive skills programmes for offenders. Ou, S.,& Reynolds, A. J. (2010). Childhood predictors of young adult male crime. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(8), 1097–1107. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.02.009 Sealock, M